Thursday, July 18, 2013

July Babies

Julai memang bulan yang istimewa untuk family i. Dalam bulan Julai ada 5 family members yang celebrate their bday in this month.

1st July - Along
4th July - Aliya (my adik's daughter)
13th July - Faris (Along's son)
16 July - My adik bongsu
22 July - Izham

So memang every year we will celebrate together esp for the kids. Memang dorang enjoy themselves and share the cake. This year i buatkan choc moist with fresh cream frosting as requested by my adik bongsu...heheh...layankan je lah tekak dorang.

So lets layan some of the pics. Tomorrow we nak pergi mandi manda ke Tambun & straight away ke Cameron Highland. Excited! Its quite a while since our last family outing kat Genting last August.

The cake

Bday boy...kalau susah sgt nak senyum depan kamera..nilah jadinya...hahaha


Maksu & Dania

Antara juadah: Kuey Tiow Goreng, satay, durian crepe & Pavlova (not in the pic)

quarter gone

So wait for my next entry. Tambun & we come!!!