Nampaknya azam tahun baru iaitu selalu update blog masih lagi tinggal azam.
As lots of thing coming in, new project..and the excitement always there...
Hehehe..btw, today is Chinese New Year Public Holiday. Jap lagi i nak balik Sekinchan rumah in law.
So, there we go, new year of Chinese Calender...Its a Snake Year as they believe "Snake" will bring more wealthy into their live..Hope kita pun samalah tumpang sekaki :)
Ok, lets move to my new project.
Let me named it as "Baking Project". Hehehe..
Ramai yang tanya how did i started?
Ceritanya macam ni..kat opis ada pantry.
Kat pantry ada jual makanan.
Makanan staff yang bawak.
Bila bawak dan letak kat pantry (siapkan tabung sendiri) then sure ada yang beli.
Idea datang. Minat ada.
So i tried to put my Vanilla Muffin in the pantry. Suprisingly its SOLD OUT.
I like.
Next day buat lagi...So that was when the story begun...
So here i am..still doing what i like :)
Its almost 2 months, and orders keep coming in...Syukur Alhamdulillah...
So target bulan ni, i nak setup my own baking blog,..taknak lah blog untuk jual2 muffin bercampur dgn personal blog kan..? Sebenarnya i tak nak orng baca sgt my personal blog ni...
Sape yang silent reader..i appreciate it...kan along afa..atau kak lijam..atau shikin? hehehe..just keep on reading okies :)
So far my products adalah:
Muffin/Mini Muffin
Apam Polka dot
Sape yang berminat boleh lah roger2 i kat 012-6760020 ok..
Jom layan hasil2 tangan i :)
Assalammualaikum, salam sejahtera semua. Alhamdulillah, masih diberi
sedikit kerajinan untuk che mat kemas kini blog tiffinbiru ini, walaupun
ini entri p...
11 months ago
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